Bal Foyen Treasure Map II is acquired randomly from looting or is bought from other players. To use it, you must have the map in your inventory and you must travel to the location. The map will be consumed when used. Location. Davon's Watch, Go up the stairs, then turn right.CE Treasure Map For Bal Foyen. It was abit hard to find, but from the Wharf was the right way.Not to be confused with Balmora. Dhalmora is a town located in the region of Bal Foyen, Morrowind. It is a recent development with the formation of the Ebonheart Pact, and is primarily inhabited by Argonian Saltrice farmers. The town is constructed mainly of mud houses. 1 Locations 2 Quests 2.1 If By Sea 2.2 Crossroads 2.3 Finding the Family 3 Notable items 4 Characters 5 Creatures 6Pages in category "TESO Treasure Maps" The following 125 pages are in this category, out of 125 total.All Clockwork City treasure map locations are indicated on the map below: There are only two lost treasure maps located in Clockwork City zone, and with these locations both of them should be easy to find. Treasure map coordinates: Clockwork City Treasure Map I: 18.10×59.75; Clockwork City Treasure Map II: 80.38 x 42.45; Thanks to Peter
ESO Bal Foyen CE Treasure Map - YouTube
Bal Foyen CE Treasure Map is atreasure mapfound in The Elder Scrolls Online. The Elder Scrolls OnlineBal Foyen Treasure Maps are displayed below. You can click the map to open it to full size. The links below will open a page that displays all known info about that map. You can click on the map to display it larger on your screen.Bal Foyen Treasure Maps; Bleakrock Isle Treasure Maps; Deshaan Treasure Maps; There are two treasure maps and additional CE treasure map on Bleakrock Isle. Considering this is a small island it is obvious why it is the case. 5 thoughts on " ESO Bleakrock Isle Treasure Map Guide " Gryms April 4, 2014 at 2:42 pm. There are 3. YouBal Foyen treasure map locations are indicated on the map below: For more detailed instructions and exact coordinates on how to find each treasure map see below: Treasure Map I - 59×73 - West from Dhalmora Wayshrine. Treasure Map II - 21×54 - Davon's Watch, go up the stairs and turn right.

Dhalmora | Elder Scrolls | Fandom
Stormhaven CE Treasure Map; Stros M'Kai Stros M'Kai Treasure Map I Stros M'Kai Treasure Map II Stros M'Kai CE Treasure Map; Ebonheart Pact Bal Foyen Bal Foyen Treasure Map I Bal Foyen Treasure Map II Bal Foyen CE Treasure Map; Bleakrock Isle Bleakrock Treasure Map IOct 25, 2016 - Full playlist: See more ideas about treasure maps, treasures, elder scrollsThe Elder Scrolls Online, Map of Bal Foyen Bal Foyen. Bal Foyen is a sub-region of Stonefalls, with a volcanic landscape inhabited by once-enslaved Argonians and home to fort Zeren, built by the Dark Elves.Bal Foyen Treasure Map I is acquired randomly from looting or is bought from other players. To use it, you must have the map in your inventory and you must travel to the location. The map will be consumed when used.Bal Foyen CE Treasure Map is acquired randomly from looting or is bought from other players. To use it, you must have the map in your inventory and you must travel to the location. The map will be consumed when used.
Bal Foyen CE Treasure Map[edit]
This Guide/Walkthrough will let you find the buried treasure from the Bal Foyen CE Treasure Map:
This is the scene proven on the treasure map:
Treasure Location[edit]
The treasure chest is located near a cliff northwest of Dhalmora
Nearest Wayshrine[edit]
Foyen Docks Wayshrine
Treasure on Region Map[edit]
Treasure on Zone Map[edit]
Detailed Location[edit]
See maps for instruction on the right way to get to the treasure chest
From the Bal Foyen Dockyards in finding the road on the hills to the east
Take this highway south just a little till you notice the big tower structure from the treasure map
The treasure chest is buried near the street, subsequent to the cliff walls
The maps show exactly what path to take to get to that location.
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