They are smallerThey have no cell membraneThey have no nucleusThey have a nucleusThey have a capsule View Feedback Question 60 1 / 1 point Which of the following microscopes passes a beam of electrons through a thinly slicedspecimen?Decide which of the following statements are true (1), false (2) or not stated (3) according to the text. Most people think that advantages are much greater. They are an excellent way to help with the problem of the graffiti in many of our cities.In molecular biology, messenger RNA (mRNA) is a single-stranded molecule of RNA that corresponds to the genetic sequence of a gene, and is read by a ribosome in the process of synthesizing a protein.This question is public and is used in 299 tests or worksheets. Type: Multiple-Choice Category: DNA, RNA, and Genetics Level: Grade 9 Tags: dna Author: meganber Last Modified: 2 years ago.6. Which of the following statements about eukaryotic RNA is true? 8. Which of the following statements regarding the flow of genetic information is false? A Polypeptides form proteins that determine the appearance and function of the cell and organism.
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Try this amazing Comparing Prokaryotic And Eukaryotic Cells quiz which has been attempted 16275 times by avid quiz takers. Check all of the following statements that would be considered similarities between prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells.22.12 - Which of the following statements about ribosomes... 22 - In the process of splicing, which type of RNA a.... Ch. 22 - What is the difference between snRNA and snRNPs?Eukaryotic cells are those cells that contain membrane-bound organelles, including a nucleus. Eukaryotes can be single-celled or multi-celled, such It also contains proteins, RNA, and enzymes for the functioning of the cellular processes. A prokaryotic cell also contains a plasma membrane that...Which of the following statements about Eukaryotic RNA is true? A eukaryotic cell has a nuclear envelope that allows tRNA molecules, but not mRNA molecules, to leave the nucleus. Which of the following processes will not be able to take place in this cell?
Messenger RNA - Wikipedia
E) The modified RNA molecule is transported into the nucleus. D) A long tail of extra nucleotides is removed from the 5' end of the RNA.Similarly, eukaryotes have 28S rRNA in 60 subunits. 9. Which of the following statement is Incorrect about SnRNA? a) It is small nuclear RNA b) It helps Answer: d Explanation: SnRNA is small nuclear RNA mainly found in the nucleus of eukaryotic cells. It takes part in RNA splicing and always remain...1. In eukaryotic species, three separate RNA polymerases transcribe different categories of genes. RNA polymerase III is known to primarily transcribe Trans-acting factors binding to cis-acting elements. 6. Which of the following statements about histones is true?16. Which of the following statements are true? The larger the sample size, the larger the confidence interval. c: Interview bias can be avoided. 3. Which of the following is true of observations? It takes less time than interviews. It is often not possible to determine exactly why people behave as they do.Q. Which of the following statements about Xinyan is false? The one with "the shielded character dealt 15% more damage". Q. When does the Boreas fight Q. Which of the following statements about Geo constructs is true? Geo constructs can be used to block certain monster attacks.
A) Introns are added to the RNA.
B) Exons are spliced together.
C) A small cap of extra nucleotides is added to each ends of the RNA.
D) A long tail of extra nucleotides is removed from the 5' finish of the RNA.
E) The modified RNA molecule is transported into the nucleus.
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